We had our very own Macmillan Coffee Morning!
On Friday 29 September 2017 we completed our Macmillan coffee morning where all the staff brought in something towards the good course, we had a selection of home made cakes, shop brought cakes, savory snacks and bacon sandwiches! The cakes and snacks were eaten at lunch time and throughout the day, this included brownies, banana cake, blueberry cake and coffee and walnut and rocky road cupcakes, they were amazing, well done to everyone who baked something!
The highlight of the day was definitely the bacon rolls which were made mid morning by Zoe and Katie cooked in the staff kitchen which were delicious! There was a choice of egg for the veggies, bacon and sausages with a choice of sauces and fresh fruit juices! It was a lovely treat on a very special Friday! Thanks to everyone who took part and helped eat our way through everything we are very pleased to announce that we raised £85.30 for the charity! This is the second year we have taken part and are looking forward to doing it again in 2018 and raising even more money!